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BURBOT House blend

Regular price £10.50
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Caramel, milk chocolate, nutmeg with a bright acidity. Well balanced with a medium body and a silky smooth finish


Origin_ Brazil
Region_ Mogiana, Sul de Minas, Cerrado
Varieties_ Mundo Novo, Icatu, Acaia, Catuai
Process_ Natural
Altitude_ 800m-1350m
Farms_ Various small farmers
Region_ Lima
Process_ Fully Washed
Varieties_ JARC varieties, Local landraces
Altitude_ 1500-1800 msl
Producer_ Small holder farms



This Brazilian specialty coffee is dry-processed, meaning the beans are patio-dried while they are still in the cherry. Since the coffees are dried in contact with the sweet mucilage, the coffee's cup profile will be a medium/heavy in body, sweet, smooth, and complex. The 17/18 screen size has a more consistent flavor without the pungent fruit notes that can turn up in smaller screen sized beans, which is an indication of varying bean maturity.

This Limu coffee comes from the Western part of Ethiopia near the forests that are the birthplace of Arabica coffee. Limu and Djimma, another popular coffee producing region, overlap. The region shares many characteristics with the Southern regions, especially Yirgacheffe and Sidamo, coffees from the three regions also share the floral notes and citric acidity. Limu is known for having a fuller body than the other two regions.